The 12-minute film “Haleakala: A Rare and Sacred Landscape” was officially released by Haleakala National Park and is available on YouTube at Haleakala film 2019. The video includes views of Haleakala’s summit, rain forest and shoreline at Kipahulu, the park said. There also is a rare glimpse of the Kipahulu Valley Biological Reserve, and a discussion of volcano’s Native Hawaiian heritage, unique geology and endemic species, including rare native birds and plants, and includes tips for hiking and visiting the park. It was funded by a grant from the nonprofit The Fund for People in Parks, a group that supports parks and protected lands, and produced by Steven M. Bumgardner with narration by Kaohu James and a soundtrack with music by George Kahumoku Jr. The film content was produced in cooperation with the National Park Service, Native Hawaiian elders and members of the local community. “Creating this film required patience in dealing with quickly changing weather conditions and diligence to capture the essence of Haleakala,” said Park Superintendent Natalie Gates. “We are proud of the collaborative teamwork that went into crafting the messages of this film by the filmmaker, Native Hawaiian elders, local community, park staff and volunteers.”
See the film at this link: Haleakala film 2019